A Mutiny in Time by James Dashner

A Mutiny in Time by James Dashner

Author:James Dashner [Dashner, James]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Tags: Fantasy, Young Adult, Science Fiction, Childrens, Adventure
ISBN: 9780545386968
Google: eRSQ3UnadtcC
Amazon: 0545386969
Barnesnoble: 0545386969
Goodreads: 13316287
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Published: 2012-08-28T04:00:00+00:00

“HUH?” SERA asked. “What hat did you pull that out of?”

Dak had just been about to ask the same thing. Nothing in the weird picture seemed to suggest Spain. Or anything else for that matter.

Riq was obviously trying to hide a satisfied smile — but not too hard. It sneaked its way across his face. “They gave us something easy to start with. I could’ve done this one after just a couple of lessons.”

“Lessons in what?” Dak asked.

“I told you before — The Art of Memory.”

Sera was nodding. “They mentioned that to us, but didn’t say much about it.”

“It’s an image-based memory trick.” Riq pointed to the screen. “It’s been scrambled up beyond recognition, but if you imagine rotating the pieces around, you can see it’s the Spanish coat of arms.”

Dak leaned in for a closer look. If he squinted, he could almost make it out. “Spain, huh?”

“Not just Spain,” Riq said. “But a city and date, too. The Greek letters actually stand in for numbers — a common practice. And lagoon in Latin is palus. We need to go to Palos de la Frontera on August 3, 1492.”

Dak recognized the time and place. There was only one possible explanation for why they’d need to go there.

“Hey, you in there?”

Dak blinked — Sera was snapping her fingers under his nose. “Sorry, just accessing the genius shelf in my brain. I know what we need to do.”

Sera’s eyebrows rose, and even Riq looked intrigued.

“There’s an obvious candidate for a Break, something that ends up affecting the entire world for centuries, all the way up to now. Or then. Or when it used to be our now. You get me?”

“Yeah, we get you.” She rolled her eyes a bit. “So what is it?”

“That’s where the ships leave that’ll eventually discover the Americas. The Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María. The voyage of the Amancio brothers!”

“Good. Let’s get there, then we can see what else the SQuare has for us,” Sera said.

“Works for me,” Riq said.

Dak felt like leaping in the air and kicking his feet together — he was so excited. But he figured he better act like the mature save-the-world man he’d become, so he simply nodded and said, “Let’s get her done.”

Sera shoved the SQuare into the satchel then pulled out the Infinity Ring. As she fiddled with the programming, Dak moved his gaze to the Great Pyramid towering above them, slanting up and away as if it went all the way to the sky. He thought of the thousands of people who’d worked on it, performing superhuman feats with massive stones that would’ve been difficult to move into place even with modern technology.

“You know,” he said, that comforting and familiar urge to share his great knowledge warming him from top to bottom. “Funny story about the Egyptians. When the royals died, it was very important to prepare the bodies so that they could last forever, mummify them until they were ready to rise up as gods in these humongous tombs.


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